Witness: In a world obsessed with human logic, philosophical reason and biased scientific theory, the truth of the supernatural and miraculous is often dismissed or ignored. But as believers, we know we serve a supernatural God who transcends the natural realm. Throughout Scripture, we are reminded that the supernatural is REAL and it is an integral part of true faith. In fact, it is impossible to truly have a relationship with Christ Jesus if you do not believe that He is the Word made flesh, that He died for our sins, is risen and will come again. Unfortunately, many modern day churches neglect speaking about the supernatural nature of God because it goes against the mainstream ideals of the world. However, when you read the Gospels they are marked from beginning to end with a documentation of miraculous events from the life of Jesus. This is why the Apostle Peter emphatically declares, “For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty” (2 Peter 1:16). This proclamation echoes through the corridors of time, inviting us to grasp the authenticity of Jesus — one grounded not in fanciful stories but in firsthand encounters with the supernatural. The disciples of Jesus, those who walked in the dust of His sandals and witnessed the extraordinary unfold before their eyes, stood as unwavering witnesses to the supernatural nature of our Savior. Their testimonies are not confined to the moral character or the wise teachings of Jesus, but instead, they boldly affirm that they have seen the miraculous, touched the divine, and beheld the glory that transcends the natural order. Consider the Apostle Paul, once a zealous persecutor of Christians, whose life took an abrupt turn on the road to Damascus. In an encounter that defied explanation, he came face to face with the risen Christ. This radical transformation from persecutor to preacher serves as a resounding testament to the supernatural power that not only changed lives but also redirected the course of history. So as believers let us recognize that our faith is not built on a distant, intangible philosophy. It is rooted in the tangible experiences of those who touched the scars on Jesus’ hands, who saw the empty tomb, and who bore witness to the supernatural power that gives life and life more abundantly.
Supernatural God: From the beginning, Scripture reveals God as a supernatural creator of all things possessing limitless power. While pagan idols are hand-carved works of man, the living God hovered over the waters and spoke creation into existence (Genesis 1). During the Exodus, He literally parted the sea (Exodus 14). God rained down miraculous manna from heaven to preserve His people (Exodus 16). As Elijah demonstrated through the fire from heaven, our God answers with supernatural signs, defying false gods (1 Kings 18). Even nature bends to His authority, as seas calmed at Christ’s command (Mark 4:35–41). Our Savior walked on water, healed the incurable, multiplied food, and rose from the grave. The entirety of the Bible is grounded in the supernatural, woven with divine events that attest to the unchanging nature of our God — a miraculous, wonder-working God throughout the ages. Let there be no doubt that He continues to actively intervene in human affairs, wielding power and authority both yesterday, today and forevermore.
Supernatural Adversary: Not only do we serve a supernatural God, but we have a supernatural adversary in Satan. Scripture warns us clearly that the devil exists and has been given temporary dominion over the earth (1 John 5:19). We must remain vigilant against his schemes. Satan deploys sorcery, witchcraft and false signs to deceive (Exodus 7:11, 2 Thessalonians 2:9). He inflicts disease (Job 2:7) and possesses people (Mark 5:1–20). Demons torment minds and bodies in horrific ways. However, in a world often captivated by the tangible and the rational, discussions about the supernatural enemy, Satan, can sometimes be dismissed as fanciful or archaic. The modern mindset may downplay the existence of hell, the devil, and his sinister schemes, relegating them to the realms of mythology. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to a heightened awareness of the supernatural battle that rages unseen. The devil, though often portrayed as a mythical figure, is a very real and destructive force. His deception knows no bounds, and one of his tricks is to convince humanity that the supernatural is a fanciful notion. By fostering doubt in the existence of God, Satan seeks to sever the lifeline of relationship between the Creator and His creation. The insidious whisper that “There is no God” echoes through the corridors of doubt, threatening to engulf hearts in spiritual darkness. This evil deception is the darkness of the enemy and captures the minds of many, even invading the church. Satan is real whether people believe in him or not. His works are present in this world, all designed to attack God and His cherished creation of mankind. The battle between light and darkness is not a metaphorical abstraction but a tangible, ongoing struggle. As believers, we are enlisted in this spiritual warfare, armed not with earthly weapons but with the supernatural power bestowed upon us by Christ. Our awareness of the supernatural adversary must be coupled with a commitment to stand firm in the truth, praying without ceasing, and wielding the authority granted to us as children of the light.
Supernatural Preaching: When proclaiming the gospel, an understanding and embrace of the supernatural are not optional but foundational. The Apostle Paul, in his first letter to the Corinthians, underscores the pivotal nature of the supernatural aspects of the gospel. In 1 Corinthians 15:14–19, he emphatically declares, “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless, and so is your faith…If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” The heart of the gospel rests on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This supernatural event is the cornerstone of our faith. If Christ has not been raised, our message loses its essence. Gospel preachers must convey not a distant, mythical moral teacher but a living God who demonstrated His power over death itself. The supernatural reality of Christ’s resurrection transforms the gospel from a moral philosophy to a declaration of life-transforming power.
In Him,
Tim and Will